FSNA Campaign Initiatives
FSNA has launched short-term campaigns to investigate specific topics. FSNA engages subject matter experts to develop unbiased research and technical papers on specific topics. FSNA has prepared position papers for distribution to participants in the code development processes, including committee members, prior to the hearings, technical committee meetings, and technical committee report sessions. The papers substantiate FSNA positions on significant code changes of interest to the passive fire protection industry and provide the rationale for those positions.
FSNA has established a library of articles and papers which supports the safety layering position. Numerous other committees and organizations have substantiated the need for safety layers as a means to ensure continuity of operations, improve sustainability, increase durability, increase adaptability for reuse, increase resistance to disasters.
Project Fail-Safe: 2014-2017 NASFM Fire Research & Education Foundation
By Fire Safe North America
Project Fail-Safe: 2014-2017 NASFM Fire Research & Education Foundation Read More »
Worcester Polytechnical Institute Study 2014-2015
By Fire Safe North America
Worcester Polytechnical Institute Study 2014-2015 Read More »